The Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais Method® is a somatic educational approach that aims to improve movement, posture, and overall function. In other words, it is a way of increasing your own kinaesthetic awareness and learning more about yourself through movement. The method was developed by Israeli physicist, engineer and judo master Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais in the mid-20th century .

The method emphasises the use of gentle, mindful movement exercises to increase self-awareness and improve motor function. It is based on the idea that many people have habitual movement patterns that limit their ability to move freely and efficiently. By becoming more aware of these patterns and exploring new movement possibilities, individuals can learn to move with greater ease and flexibility.

Feldenkrais lessons are taught in two ways: through “Awareness Through Movement®” (ATM) group classes and “Functional Integration®” (FI) individual sessions. In ATM classes, participants are verbally guided through movement sequences designed to improve body awareness and function. In FI sessions, a practitioner uses gentle touch and movement to help an individual increase their awareness of their body and movement patterns.

The Feldenkrais Method has been used to improve movement and function in a wide range of settings, including rehabilitation, sports performance, and performing arts. It is also used as a form of self-care and personal development.

There are a huge number of benefits that ATM and FI lessons can bring, such as:

  • increased ease in movement

  • breaking free of habitual patterns

  • increasing awareness and creativity

  • injury prevention

  • reducing tension and effort

  • a greater sense of wellbeing in yourself

Group Classes

In Person

Thursdays @ 18:30 (from April)
9 / 16 / 23 / 30 May
6 June

Venue: St Mark’s Centre,
22 Greenwich South Street, SE10 8TY


Sundays @ 19:00
12 / 19 / 26 May
2 / 9 / 16 / 23 / 30 June
7 / 14 / 21 / 28 July
4 / 11 August

What you need: a mat or blanket, space to lie on the floor (for online classes)

What to wear: comfortable clothes you can move in (can be just everyday clothes)

Price per class: £7 (get 20% off by buying a class pass on the booking page)

International Feldenkrais Week
Special Workshop

Theme: "Transitions”

How do you move between positions? Between movements? Between moments in time?

Exploring the theme of transitions, Lars Fischer, Alice Laidler and Joe Reynolds will be hosting an afternoon of seven, 30-minute ATMs in celebration of International Feldenkrais Week.

The classes can be enjoyed on their own or in succession!

When: Sunday 12 May 2024, 12.00-17.00

What you need: comfortable clothes you can move in (can be just everyday clothes)

Venue: Moving Pieces, 60A Weston St, London SE1 3QJ

Price: First class free, donations encouraged thereafter

How to find St Mark’s Centre

Feldenkrais Method® is the registered trademark of the Feldenkrais Guild UK Ltd, Reg No. 1563759.